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Special Educational Needs at WBJS

If you've navigated your way to this page of the website, it's possibly because you have concerns or worries about your child in school.

The intention of this page is to help you find the best way to support your child with whatever needs they have.

You will find various links, documents and images to help you find what you need.


Special Educational Needs Coordinator:
Mrs Hanna Myring

SEN Manager:
Mrs. Karen Stephenson

Mrs Stephenson and I work closely together to oversee the provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities. We are passionate about supporting all children to progress and develop essential life skills.

If you have any concerns about your child’s academic, social or emotional development, please follow these steps so that we can provide the right support for you:

  1. Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns.
  2. The class teacher will put support in place for your child, and seek advice from Mrs Stephenson or myself if they need help in deciding the next steps.
  3. If there are still concerns, Mrs Stephenson or myself will get in touch with you to discuss your child’s needs further.

Below is some more guidance and policies on how we support children with special educational needs and disabilities in our school.

You can find a link to the Nottinghamshire Local Offer here: Nottshelpyourself | SEND Local Offer - Education