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Ethos and values

At West Bridgford Junior School, we believe that our core purpose as educators is to be a nurturing community which inspires children to develop a love of learning and discover their full potential.

We endeavour to produce a happy, caring atmosphere in which our children can learn. We are keen to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in all aspects of their education, not just intellectually, but also socially, physically, and creatively. Our school encourages positive relationships between our children, teachers and parents. We value our children and the contributions that they make, and we encourage them to value themselves and others.

WBJS is a place where diversity and equality are embraced. We aim to provide a safe and caring environment within which children enjoy challenges and feel safe to make mistakes. We believe that all children have talents which can be developed, and that everyone can succeed. We provide a wide range of learning experiences through which children will gain a positive self-image to help them on their path as confident and motivated life-long learners.

Our WBJS Champions

Our seven WBJS Champions help us improve and reinforce our learning behaviours. These were designed by the children and we refer to them regularly during lessons and in our Star of the Week assemblies. Our WBJS Champions are:

Professor Perseverance, Creative Cat, Have a Go Hero, Captain Curiosity, The Collaboration Kids, The Get Better Guys, Respectful Ranger 

You can see them all below.

We want your child to look back at their time at our school with a sense of pride, fondness and excitement and we look forward to working in partnership with you and your children. A warm invitation is extended to all parents, carers and families to attend all functions arranged by both the school and the Home School Association (HSA).